Bereavement Consultation

I've lost my baby and my breasts won't stop making milk.

"Why are my breasts doing this, and what can I do to ease the pain and discomfort?"

I'm sorry you are going through this. If you want or need my help, I am here to listen, give information, provide resources and comfort for you, your broken heart and your aching breasts. You have some options and it all depends on what feels best for you right now.

1. Dry up your milk quickly

Some women want to move through this time as quickly as possible and put it behind them so they can live more normally. Yes, you love your baby. Yes, you are torn apart but you know what's best for you. Let's dry up this milk so you feel more normal.

You can also save some milk in a pendant as a momento if you like.


2. Put your milk towards a good cause

Some women want to put their loss to use helping others, so they collect it and donate it either casually, or to the NY Milk Bank for sick and premature babies. If your loss was premature, you have preterm milk and it's just what preterm babies need. And there is a critical shortage of all milk, so express what feels comfortable and find a purpose to your grieving.


3. You need time to process

If you just don't know what you want to do, that is OK too. There is no rush here except to provide comfort in your aching breasts while you process your loss.

Whatever your choice, your experience matters. I will treat you kindly and with care.

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Ella B.

My son was born with a lip and tongue time, and even after his procedure, nursing was extremely painful. I would cry and clench my fists during every feeding, staring at the timer until 20 minutes were up so I could give myself permission to unlatch my son. Feeding him was a huge burden and caused me a great deal of anxiety because of how much it hurt.

I worked with Donna during the first few months of my son's life. I went from dreading nursing, to nursing on demand thanks to her support.

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